? Double checking mater ials inventory stock repor t
submi t t ing by the store.
? Receives requests of ident i f ied depar tment
needs of MEP, HVAC, and Civil i tems, services and
equipment ’s for purchasing.
? Selects and evaluates suppliers and maintains an
up to date list of suppliers to ensure purchasing
the sui table products wi th pr ices possible and best
condi t ions.
? Places orders and ensures the procurement of
the sui table quali ty merchandise.
? Ensure that needed merchandise, supplies and
equipment ’s are delivered by vendors according to
agree upon procedures.
? Inspects all invoices, reviewing pr ices and
compar ing f igures between or iginal purchase
orders and received i tems.
? Requests sample products f rom suppliers for
compar ison and cont rol purposes.
? Follows-up wi th the account ing depar tment on
invoice set t lement to suppliers.
? Prepare var ious forms for mul t iple uses: change
orders, of fer request , pr ice requisi t ions and other
buying procedures.
? Maintains records for all purchase operat ions.
? Follows-up on all purchase requisi t ions to ensure
proper and t imely delivery.
? Doing logist ic works i f needed.