We are looking to fill the Following positions at Pakistan International School in Qatar نحن نتطلع لملء الوظائف التالية في المدرسة الباكستانية الدولية في قطر
The following posts are lying vacant at Pakistan
International School Doha, Qatar
Male/Female Teachers: (Conventional System)
Homeroom Teachers (Female)
Montessori Teachers (Female)
Urdu Teachers Primary level (Female)
Science Teachers Primary level (Female)
Computer Science Teachers (Male/Female)
المعلمون والمعلمات: (النظام التقليدي)
مدرسو الصف (إناث)
مدرسو مونتيسوري (إناث)
معلمو اللغة الأردية المرحلة الابتدائية (إناث)
معلمو العلوم المرحلة الابتدائية (إناث)
مدرسو علوم الكمبيوتر (ذكور / إناث)
Terms & Conditions:
Age Limit: 30 to 45 years
Must have Bachelor/Master degree in related subject, M.Phil. and
having minimum teaching experience of 04 years in reputed
institutions. (Private Degree not acceptable)
Teachers Required for IGCSE Stream: (Male/Female)
Computer Science
مطلوب مدرسين لمسار IGCSE: (ذكر / أنثى)
علوم الكمبيوتر
Terms & Conditions:
Age Limit: 30 to 45 years
Must have Bachelor/Master degree in related subject M.Phil. will
be preferred and having minimum teaching experience of 05
years in reputed institutions. Knowledge and understanding
of the Cambridge syllabus and paper pattern and Cambridge
certification is mandatory. (Private Degree not acceptable)